27DX/EU-168 - Flatey Island

Welcome to the information page of 27DX/EU-168.

This page is mainly made to offer log-search, and general information.

The Shadow Dxers will activate Flatey Island ( local name Austur-Bardastrand ) under the banner of the DXRC Islands Weekend and WWRO Island Festival.

Update from team:
We have decided to extend the Flatey Island expedition by one day to give islands hunters another chance to work this new one and most wanted IOTA prefix. We will be active during the full 48 hours of the Island Festival, and then we will continue to around 1700 UTC on Monday. Considering the contest part of the festival and the usual weekend QRM, it should be a good opportunity for the serious IOTA hunter to catch us on Monday.

Please remember for the Island Festival, only contacts made on either 05/06/2010 or 06/06/2010 count towards the final scores.

You can follow the Shadow DXers on Twitter

Find Flatey Island on Islands Base Online.

21DX116 Mr. Chris
21DX139 Mr. Patrik
21AT113 Mr. Hans
DXRC Bureau

E-mail to manager: Click .

Activity schedule:
05/06/2010 to 07/06/2010: Flatey island - new one.

Equipment used:
- antenna: 3 element Skypper Yagi
- radio: Yaesu FT-857
- microphone: Heil headset HC4
- power: Ameritron AL-500 - 500 Watts
- logsystem: "Readability and Signal report exchange"

Click here to make logsearch.
811 stations in log.

Pictures (also proof):
Click here to see pics from the activity.

QSL design:
Click here to See the 27DX/EU168 QSL design.

Audio recordings:
Click here to hear 27DX/EU168 audio. (Notice: mp3 format).
Click here to hear 27DX/EU168 audio. (Notice: mp3 format).
Click here to hear 27DX/EU168 audio. (Notice: mp3 format).
Click here to hear 27DX/EU168 audio. (Notice: mp3 format).
Click here to hear 27DX/EU168 audio. (Notice: mp3 format).
Click here to hear 27DX/EU168 audio. (Notice: mp3 format).

Back to DXRC Islands Weekend 2010 Page.
