Story 30DX/E466

Story from 30DX/E466 activity held during August 2007.

Hello DXers

Torn islet is a big rock located in the southernmost part of a 1,5 km long sandy beach.
The beach is divided in 2 areas. The northern side is known as Almadrava beach, and
there is a camping nearby as well as the village of Hospitalet de l'Infant.

The southern part of the beach is known as Torn beach, and this part is a nudist beach.
The island is also part of the nudist beach, and during my activity I had the visit of
few visitors that I did not dare looking at...I tried to look very busy with the radio...

Only 1,5 Km South of Torn islet there is the nuclear power central of Vandellos II.
You can see part of the installation from the island.

WX was cloudy and windy, just perfect for me because there was less people than usual at the beach.

Torn island was previously activated on 11m only once in 2003. That time I made 48 QSO's.
Propagation was rather slow this second time, but signals were OK from Central Europe.
So in the end I could make 66 QSO's.

Greetings and c u agn from the next one.

Vy 73's
Christian 30DX401
