Frankonia Four Rivers iWi Tour 2012

Welcome to the information page of Bavarian Four Rivers iWi Tour 2012.

This page is mainly made to offer log-search, and general information.

13DX056 Uli and 13IR074 Daniel successfully activated all of their 11 inland water island targets.

A Multi-island single QSL is already designed, Now is time to request QSL confirmation from the

13DX056 Mr. Uli
13IR074 Mr. Daniel
DXRC Bureau

E-mail to manager: Click .

Equipment used:
- antenna #1: Skypper
- antenna #2: Bamby
- radio: Icom 706
- microphone: original
- power: 300W
- logsystem: "Readability and Signal report exchange"

QRZ / Link to activity Webpage Start date
13DX/BY037 - Neumuehle isl. iWi 03/02/2012
13DX/BY026 - Woehrmuhle isl. iWi 07/03/2012
13DX/BY032 - Engelanger isl. iWi 07/03/2012
13DX/BY023 - Sportinsel isl. iWi 17/03/2012
13DX/BY024 - Sportinsel #2 isl. iWi 17/03/2012
13DX/BY027 - Dachsbach #1 (Schlossinsel) isl. iWi 21/04/2012
13DX/BY028 - Dachsbach #2 isl. iWi 21/04/2012
13DX/BY033 - Greienmuehle isl. iWi 18/05/2012
13DX/BY039 - Pahres isl. iWi 19/07/2012
13DX/BY031 - Muehle Uehlfeld isl. iWi 25/11/2012
13DX/BY038 - Uehlfeld #2 isl. iWi 25/11/2012
